Sunday, July 31, 2011

DK's Super-Hero Non Stick Pan and an Update on MMKT

I had started a blog to record all the awesome kitchen things I obsess over - called Meet My Kitchen Things. In time, a bunch of you sent me amazing things from your kitchens to share with the readers. As much as I love that blog, its been very tough to give time to this here food blog, my Project 365 blog, and a full time job, etc.

So I've decided to merge the contents of MMKT here. All old posts have been successfully imported into this site and I will be posting new updates here. That way, I have only one blog to update and all the great stuff you send will be under one roof with the recipes.

Thanks for all the love on the MMKT Facebook page. I will be messaging members separately so they can join the Edible Garden FB Page if they'd like.

Now, its time to share a long overdue post with you all. Dhivya shared her super-hero non stick pan a while back for MMKT.

Here's an excerpt:

"I am like a live wire trying to cram 100,000 things a day. I swear by multitasking. A little one added to this midst just threw my multitasking abilities haywire. An “absent-minded professor” quality has taken over me that I cant seem to help... It was a weekend and I was all set for errands. We enjoyed some tea and left, returning after almost 2 hours... As soon as I came home, a strong smell of something burning greeted us. My husband had a laugh talking about some “poor husband” who lost his dinner when a shock greeted me! It was my leftover tea in the pan that I had left on the stove assuming I switched it off! I moved it to the sink to see if I could do something about it..."

Check out her site for the rest of the story on how amazingly unscathed her super-hero non stick pan came out of the whole ordeal. Now that's a pan we all want in our kitchens, eh?

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