Saturday, July 9, 2011

Robyn's "Call Your Girlfriend"

How else to explain this week's post other than the fact that I couldn't get this music video out of my head? I kept watching it over and over again until eventually I found myself emailing my friends sentences like: "I want to bon appetempt this video." And I guess when you say this kind of thing to people who happen to be talented and hilarious go-getters that will also allow you to take over a room of their house for the afternoon, borrow their clothes, and helpfully shout directions at you while you dance, the below happensthe below being Bon Appetempt's first music video.

Robyn's version:

my version:

Many many thanks to Heather, Jeana, and Brad for what was easily one of the most fun afternoons I've had in a long time. Let's do it again sometime?

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