Friday, July 1, 2011

Kaiser Rolls

Happy Canada Day/Independence Day weekend to all my Canadian/American readers! This is a video double feature recipe to help you make some delicious buns for whatever BBQ adventures you are having this weekend. Both come from Reinhart's Bread Baker's Apprentice and have been adapted and veganized as needed. The first is a pâte fermentée, a basic pre-ferment that can be used for a variety of recipes like French Bread (which I will post at a later date). The thing to keep in mind is that the pâte fermentée needs to be made the day before you want to make your rolls, but it can be kept in the fridge for 3 days. Next are the kaiser rolls. The video is a bit long (yet again) to show the technique needed to get that characteristic shape. Enjoy!

Pate Fermentee from Vegan Dad on Vimeo.

Kaiser Rolls from Vegan Dad on Vimeo.

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